When the time came to replace our aging and failing Aeolian-Skinner pipe organ, St. Anne's researched purchasing a new pipe organ and adding a digital console. After hearing digital and hybrid (digital with pipe) instruments at other parishes in the area, we contracted with Allen Organ, one of the largest church organ companies in the world, to create a completely custom digital instrument.
Every part of the instrument, from the console to the pedals and the voices were custom-tailored to our needs and voiced to our space.
The 4-manual console features custom woodwork, including the oak finished exterior cabinet, a walnut finished interior, rosewood and maple drawknobs, rosewood keys and rosewood and maple pedals. The organ also has an adjustable bench and music rack, and the Allen Vista Navigator: A digital computer that expands the capabilities of the organ, giving us access to additional instrument voices, settings, and MIDI capabilities.
1. 16 Double Open Diapason
2. 8 Open Diapason I
3. 8 Open Diapason II
4. 8 Stopped Diapason
5. 8 Gamba
6. 4 Octave
7. 4 Flute
8. 2 2/3 Twelfth
9. 2 Super Octave
10. 2 Flute
11. II Sesquialtera
12. III Sharp Mixture
13. V Mixture
14. 16 Double Trumpet
15. 8 Trumpet
16. 4 Clarion
17. Tremulant
18. MIDI on Great
19. Gt-Pd Shades Open
20. Gt-Ch Manual Transfer
1. 16 Contra Viole
2. 8 English Diapason
3. 8 Lieblich Gedackt
4. 8 Dulciana
5. 8 Dulciana Celeste
6. 4 Octave Principal
7. 4 Flute
8. 4 Octave Viole
9. 2 Fifteenth
10. 2 Flautina
11. 1 1/3 Larigot
12. II-III Mixture
13. 8 Corno di Bassetto
14. Tremulant
15. MIDI on Choir
16. Alternate Tuning
1. 16 Erzahler
2. 8 Violoncello
3. 8 Violoncello Celeste
4. 8 Erzahler
5. 8 Erzahler Celeste
6. 8 Harmonic Flute
7. 4 Concert Flute
8. 4 Octave Erzahler
9. 8 Tuba Magna
10. 8 Festival Trumpet
11. 8 French Horn
12. 8 Cor Anglais
13. Tremulant
14. Melody Coupler So-Gt
15. Solo Shades Open
16. MIDI on Solo
1. 32 Double Open Diapason
2. 32 Contra Bourdon
3. 16 Open Diapason
4. 16 Open Wood
5. 16 Bourdon
6. 16 Bourdon Doux (Sw)
7. 16 Violone
8. 8 Principal
9. 8 Bass Flute
10. 4 Fifteenth
11. IV Mixture
12. 32 Contra Trombone
13. 16 Trombone
14. 16 Double Trumpet (Gt)
15. 16 Contra Fagotto (Sw)
16. 8 Tromba
17. 8 Trumpet (Gt)
18. 4 Clarion (Gt)
19. MIDI on Pedal
20. Bass Coupler
1. 16 Bourdon Doux
2. 16 Dolce
3. 16 Contra Viole
4. 8 Open Diapason
5. 8 Stopped Diapason
6. 8 Geigen
7. 8 Viola da Gamba
8. 8 Viole Celeste
9. 8 Dolce
10. 8 Dolce Celeste
11. 4 Principal
12. 4 Stopped Flute
13. 4 Dolce
14. 4 Viole
15. 2 2/3 Nazard
16. 2 Fifteenth
17. 1 3/5 Tierce
18. IV Mixture
19. 16 Contra Fagotto
20. 8 Cornopean
21. 8 Oboe
22. 8 Vox Humana
23. 4 Clarion
24. Tremulant
25. MIDI on Swell
Couplers & General
1. 8 Great to Pedal
2. 4 Great to Pedal
3. 8 Swell to Pedal
4. 4 Swell to Pedal
5. 8 Choir to Pedal
6. 4 Choir to Pedal
7. 8 Solo to Pedal
8. 4 Solo to Pedal
10. 8 Swell to Great
11. 8 Choir to Great
12. 8 Solo to Great
13. [SPACER]
14. 8 Solo to Swell
15. [SPACER]
16. 8 Swell to Choir
17. 8 Solo to Choir
18. [SPACER]
19. All Swells to Swell
20. [SPACER]
21. Gt/Ped to Ancillary
22. Gt/Ped Main Off
23. Swell to Ancillary
24. Swell Main Off
25. Solo to Ancillary
26. Solo Main Off
1. Great-Pedal
2. Choir
3. Swell
4. Solo
5. Crescendo
Reversibles (x=toe/o=thumb)
1. Great to Pedal xo
2. Swell to Pedal xo
3. Choir to Pedal xo
4. Solo to Pedal xo
5. Swell to Great o
6. Choir to Great o
7. Solo to Great o
8. Swell to Choir o
9. Solo to Choir o
10. Solo to Swell o
11. 32 Double Open
Diapason xo
12. 32 Contra Bourdon xo
13. 32 Contra Trombone xo
14. Crescendo B o
15. Zimbelstern xo
16. Tutti I xo
17. Tutti II xo
Combination Action (x16)
GREAT 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8
SWELL 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8
CHOIR 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8
SOLO 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8
PEDAL 1-2-3-4-5-6 (toe studs only)
GENERALS 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20 (thumb = 1-20 / toe = 1-15 )
SET (thumb)
R (thumb - return to previous registration)
PISTON SEQUENCER (thumb & toe)
Divisional Cancels - 5
Nameplates: GREAT