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Music at St. Anne’s is central to our worship, our celebrations, and our parish life. We are a congregation which values inspiring music of all types. You'll hear the best of traditional hymns, choral music, chant, gospel, modern hymnody and contemporary music from the full complement of The Episcopal Church's collection of hymnals and many other sources.


Our choir is accompanied each Sunday by our magnificent Allen Quantum Organ and our timeless Steinway grand piano. We also often welcome soloists and instrumentalists to complement our music, many from within the parish!


All who love music are welcome and encouraged to join our music program.


St. Anne's choir is made up of music lovers of all ages, walks of life, and skill levels. We are committed to excellence in the music we make, and strive to offer a palette of music that reflects the diversity of our parish community. Membership in our choir requires only that you love music, can carry a tune, and are willing to commit to the parish and one another to make high-quality, beautiful, and inspiring music.

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Thanks to modern digital technology, our music is primarily accompanied by our four-manual, 82-stop organ, voiced to English cathedral specification. The custom Allen Quantum Digital organ speaks through over 65 speakers, most of which are located in a chamber behind the choir area, with a solo division at the opposite side of the church and an ancillary division above the main altar, all wrapping the church in glorious sound. The organ was built by the Allen Organ Company whose craftsmanship and expertise in the field of digital music produced a magnificent instrument that will bring St. Anne’s joy for years to come.

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