Book Groups
St. Anne's is a community of readers, so we have two book groups! The Monday Book Discussion group meets approximately once a month during the day to talk about a book chosen by the group. The Third Tuesday Book Club meets once a month during the evening to discuss a book chosen by the group. Check the Sunday bulletin announcements and e-newsletter for a brief introduction to the books for both groups.
For more information about the Monday Book Club, please contact the Kathy Boileau. For more information about the Third Tuesday Book Club, please contact Katie Ward.

Java Junction
Java Junction is the ministry team which coordinates​ coffee hours and evening receptions. The coffee hours after morning worship services, and wine and cheese reception after the 5:00 p.m. service, are times of gathering, sharing, meeting new people and catching up on the week. Being part of Java Junction is a simple way to serve and contribute to our St. Anne's family.
For more information, please contact the Church Office.

Parish Camping Trip
Twice a year​, in the spring and fall, St. Anne's enjoys a weekend outdoors in a quiet spot on the banks of the Shenandoah River's North Fork, about 10 miles south of Harpers Ferry, WV. If you enjoy pitching a tent, taking a hike, kayaking or tubing on the river, campfire fellowship, and Eucharist at the river, then this adventure has your name on it.
For more information, please contact Mother Laura.

Shrine Mont Parish Retreat
Every October​ St. Anne's heads to Shrine Mont, a retreat center of the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia in the mountains of Orkney Springs, Virginia. Shrine Mont provides people of all ages with an abundance of beautiful places to explore, activities to enjoy, and people to get to know better. Take a hike up the mountain or relax in a rocking chair on the porch. Enjoy a hayride or a relaxed conversation by a fire. Experience a weekend of fellowship and spiritual renewal with your church family.
For more information, please contact Mother Laura.

Summer Grill Nights
Beginning Wednesdays in June, and continuing through August, join us every Wednesday at 6:30pm in the St. Anne’s parking lot. Bring something to grill for yourself and something (side dish? dessert? Strange-flavor chip you want to try but don’t want to commit to the whole bag yourself?) to share and come ready to relax and unwind as we kick off the Wednesday night grilling. Grill Night is a great midweek, casual gathering to get to know fellow members of our community in a very informal setting. Kids run around the playground as grownups converse and share an evening outdoors.
For more information, please contact Grill Facilitator Mike Ball.

Thirst & Theology
At Thirst & Theology, folks gather for informal and honest conversation about life and faith. On the third Wednesday of each month from September through May, this event is held at Café Montmartre (1625 Washington Plaza N, Reston, VA) with a social hour beginning at 6:00 p.m. and a discussion beginning at 7:00 p.m. Using current events and issues, we explore their relevance to our life of faith and listen and search for ways we might be called to respond or engage. Bring your thoughts and questions and friends!
No sign-up necessary. To learn more, please contact Mother Laura.